“… impeccably organized, with unfailing professionalism.”

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What Does a Journal Administrator Actually Do?

Managing Editors, Administrators, Journal Staff, Editorial Assistants – whatever you want to call us, we play an integral role in getting your manuscript through peer review. But you may wonder what it is we actually do.

You see, we Managing Editors wear many hats. The honest answer to What It Is We Do is really that we do whatever our particular editor, publisher, and journal workflow needs us to do. But there are some tasks that are common for most of us, so here’s a quick TEH Blog rundown.

System support

Most journals these days make use of an online submission system. These systems are absolutely invaluable to the smooth running of a busy global journal (more on that here), but we are all too aware that they can be confusing and frustrating if you aren’t used to using them.

Your friendly neighbourhood Managing Editors are therefore on hand to answer any questions, resolve any upload problems, and generally support authors, reviewers, and editors in successfully navigating their way through all the buttons, links, and questions.

Administrator checks

Once you’ve submitted your manuscript (whether you needed our help do to so or not), the first thing that will happen is that somebody will check it over to make sure that nothing is missing, and that it’s suitable for peer review. And just who might that “somebody” be? You’ve guessed it: the Managing Editor.

The checks we’re asked to perform varies journal to journal. Sometimes it is literally a case of making sure the manuscript text hasn’t been missed out by mistake, and sometimes it’s an in-depth analysis of your referencing format. Whatever the checks are, it’ll be us who gets in touch to guide you through making any changes, and it’s us who will approve it for review.

Status updates

It might feel like you submitted your manuscript aaaages ago and the status in your author centre has been saying the same thing for a really long time… When the waiting game finally gets too much and you fire off an email to the journal’s Editorial Office, it’s one of us who will respond to give you some idea of what’s happening.

Unfortunately delays do happen – editors and reviewers are, after all, busy people and inevitably deadlines get missed periodically – but we are always working to keep them to a minimum, and are always happy to give you an update. You can find out more about what goes on behind the scenes here.

Point of contact

It’s not just status updates for authors that we handle, however. Been asked to review a paper but need an extension on the deadline? Drop us an email. Need to return your conflict of interest form for your accepted paper? Send it over to us. Somehow wound up with multiple accounts on the submission system that are causing you login problems? We can help with that, too.

In fact, pretty much anything you need as an author, reviewer or editor can be sent to us. If we’re unable to help you ourselves then we will know who to forward the message on to. We Managing Editors are your one-stop shop for all your peer review needs.


One of the many benefits of peer review being handled through a submission system is that we can gather data on number of submissions, how many of those get accepted, and even where in the world the research originated from.

When you’re down in the trenches working away at getting the papers assigned to you through peer review it’s not always easy to see the bigger picture, so being able to get actual figures on how many submissions are coming into your journal (and, crucially, how that compares to how many submissions you’ve received in previous years) is absolutely invaluable.

And it’s we Managing Editors who can not only get you this data, but organise it into a report that makes sense of it all.

“… one of the best journal experiences I ever had.”

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What’s it Like to Work for The Editorial Hub?

We talk a lot on this blog about the work we do at The Editorial Hub, but what’s it like to work for The Editorial Hub? We caught up with some of the team to find out.


Our team all work remotely

In these post-pandemic times, most of the corporate workforce now have some experience of working from home; but we’ve been doing it for years! So what are the benefits?

“I love the flexibility of working with TEH. I’ve got two young children and this role allows me to work around them. I’m finding it fits much better with family life and I can do the school pick-up every day.” Lindsay

“The work-life balance I get from working with The Editorial Hub works really well for me. I have the freedom to pursue my interests without having to compromise on my working hours.” Debs


Our team still feels like a team

Working from home can be very isolating, but we make sure that every single person who works with us is supported, heard, and connected. We have various online chats set up so if anyone has a problem, a question, or even just some amusing anecdotes they’re itching to share, they can do so and get an immediate response.

“The team are great, fun and supportive – always there if you need help/guidance with something you are unsure of.” Anouska

“If you log in to find one of your submission sites is misbehaving, a quick message on the chat will confirm you’re not alone, and you can commiserate as a group until the issue’s resolved! It’s also lovely to have 40+ people wish you a happy birthday every year.” Debs


Our team is a wonderful resource

Not only are our team a lovely bunch of people, they really know their stuff. With a collective publishing knowledge adding up to centuries of experience, no problem is unsurmountable for our Hive Mind – which any member of the team can access at any time by typing a quick message.

“Working with a pool of such talented people you can learn something new every day, and you know you have the back up of this wonderful pool of knowledge if you need it!” Penny


Want to join our wonderful team?

We pride ourselves on providing the best-possible service to our clients and customers. And no two days are the same!

“I am learning new skills along the way and each journal has its own way of operating, so the work is varied.” Anouska

“I love the flexibility provided at The Editorial Hub and find my role very rewarding and interesting. Everyone is so wonderful and supportive. A great team, a credit to you all.” Sharon

If you’re an experienced publishing professional looking to escape the 9-5 and the above sounds like a great career move, then we’d love to talk to you. Get in touch with us to find out more!


“… amazingly cooperative and generous with their time.”

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