About Us

The Editorial Hub Ltd prides itself on its excellent customer service to all parties, including clients, editors, reviewers and authors. We believe that clear, effective and professional communication both within and outside of our company is paramount to achieving this.

Who we are

The Editorial Hub Ltd was founded by Naomi Conneely and Stephanie Sacharov in 2014 to offer peer-review coordination and administration to publishers, institutions and societies. With more than 35 years of editorial experience between them, Naomi and Stephanie and the team offer a professional, rounded service across a range of journal management systems.


The Editorial Hub Ltd has grown to become the globally-recognised company that it is today, thanks to our extensive editorial expertise, our experienced team of publishing professionals, and our focus on efficiency and fast turnaround times for our clients. We pride ourselves on delivering what is required in a prompt, attentive and professional manner.


More information on our company ethos can be found on our Corporate Social Responsibility page. 



We deliver our industry-leading service by operating a network of highly competent, experienced and professional freelancers, guided by our Management Team who each have a broad and diverse range of experience in the publishing industry.


Freelance work offers our team members flexibility, meaning we have the most skilled and experienced team members working for us. This ensures we provide not only the best-quality service but also a reliable and continuous service, 52 weeks a year. We can scale up and take on new work very quickly, as well as meet last-minute or tight deadlines. We are always able to find the right person to work on each of our journals and projects to provide unparalleled, high-quality support. The majority of our freelancers have been part of The Editorial Hub Ltd for many years.

Our Team

Who will you be working with?

Each member of our team brings invaluable experience and expertise to their journals and projects, with each person approaching their editorial role(s) with enthusiasm and professionalism.

We recruit skilled and experienced freelancers from any background, not just peer-review management, publishing or academia. If you would like to join our team, please send your CV to: [email protected].

I’ve really enjoyed my time at The Editorial Hub and have only left to continue my studies. I loved the flexibility provided and found my role very rewarding and interesting. Everyone is so wonderful and supportive. A great team, a credit to you all. I’ll really miss working with the team.”  Sharon K.

Management Team

Naomi Conneely

Naomi Conneely

Co-Founder and Director


Naomi’s strong people skills come as a result of her working as a trained staff nurse, which eventually led her into a new career path when she joined the pharmaceutical industry. This shift in direction took her into a sales role where she became passionate about customer service and delivery.

Naomi has provided professional editorial services in the publishing industry since 2004, and has extensive experience of submission systems including ScholarOne, Editorial Manager, eJournalPress, AllenTrack and ReView. One of the aspects she has most enjoyed during this time is the productive working relationships she has fostered with editors, authors and reviewers on the countless journals she has managed over the years.

Working alongside her co-founder, Stephanie Sacharov, Naomi’s personal goal is to provide exceptional customer service to all our clients and to each of their editors, reviewers and authors.

Stephanie Sacharov

Stephanie Sacharov

Co-Founder and Director


Stephanie’s background in training, combined with her passion for research and commitment to the sharing of knowledge to a worldwide audience, has made academic publishing the perfect industry for her to work in. She is fully committed to working on processes that ensure the quality of published articles is not compromised by sub-optimal practices.

Stephanie started freelancing for Oxford University Press (OUP) before being invited to work as part of their in-house journals team. She still has a close relationship with OUP to this day, and The Editorial Hub Ltd is often called upon to take on some of their more complicated journals.

Stephanie’s previous experience in teaching and event organising ensures The Editorial Hub Ltd can offer excellent training and well-organised support, not only to our clients and their customers, but also to our talented team of freelancers.

Kate Pearson

Kate Pearson

Office Manager

Kate has a wealth of journals publishing experience, having first joined the industry in 2002 after completing her MSc in chemistry. She first worked for Taylor & Francis as Publishing Editor (science & engineering list) and then Managing Editor (applied science journals), before moving to IOP Publishing as Publisher (mathematics). From there, Kate took a few years away from publishing to complete an MA Human Resources Management and work in HR, before returning to the publishing fold as Commissioning Editor, then Business Development Manager, at Bioscientifica (Society for Endocrinology). There she launched new products and services, oversaw publishing policy, and deputised for the Head of Publishing.

Kate has been working for The Editorial Hub Ltd since 2019 and is responsible for HR, business administration, and new business development.

Emilie McDermott

Emilie McDermott

Team Leader / Research Integrity Manager

Emilie joined our team in 2023. She has worked in academic publishing since 2014, during which time she has been Rights Executive, Journal Production Coordinator, Peer Review Editor, and Research Integrity Manager for a leading scholarly publisher. Emilie has a BA (Hons) in cultural studies and comparative literary studies.

Emilie’s main passion lies within publication ethics. In her previous Research Integrity Manager role, she handled cases of ethical misconduct and conducted investigations in accordance with industry standards. As Community Advisor for UKRIO, Emilie is constantly developing her knowledge of this area, as it continually challenges academic publishing and the scholarly community. Emilie has also worked with indexing services; conducting evaluations and providing feedback and guidance on journals around best practice and offering editorial recommendations for publishers. Emilie offers a multifaceted end-to-end skillset and is familiar with the systems, operating practices and challenges that Publishers and Editorial Boards are managing.

Jodie Elgey

Jodie Elgey

Team Leader

Jodie first started working in publishing in 2010 and has experience working within all areas of academic peer review. She joined our team in 2019, having worked on several large society journals using both Editorial Manager and ScholarOne, and in 2023 was promoted to Team Leader. 

As Team Leader, Jodie is responsible for several client accounts and her work includes managing the team working on a suite of extremely high-throughput journals.


Rebecca Fitchett

Rebecca Fitchett

Team Leader

Rebecca has worked as a freelance editorial assistant since 2009, gaining experience in ScholarOne, Editorial Manager, Cognos and AllenTrack. Rebecca previously worked as a business and systems analyst in the retail industry and is currently studying for a BSc (Hons) in combined STEM.

Rebecca joined The Editorial Hub Ltd in 2017, and in 2021 was promoted to Team Leader. In this role she lends her expertise to her team by being a systems ‘super-user’ and the first point of contact to help solve problems, as well as ensuring any training or development needs are met. She enjoys using her considerable peer-review experience to help publishers, societies, editors, authors and reviewers benefit from the development of the most efficient and highest-quality processes.

Nicola Parsons

Nicola Parsons

Team Leader

Nikki has a BSc (Hons) in chemistry and 25 years of experience in laboratories, research & development, trials and sales; working within medical, paper and water industries, as well as in education. As a published author herself, Nikki can fully understand and support authors, editors and reviewers during the peer-review process.

Nikki is highly experienced in peer review, reviewer selection and managing journals using several editorial management systems, including Editorial Manager, eJournalPress, epress, and ScholarOne, having worked in journal administration for The Editorial Hub Ltd since 2017.

Since 2021, Nikki has been bringing her extensive expertise to the role of Team Leader. She is first port of call for her team; answering queries, disseminating information and knowledge, and ensuring best practice is maintained across all teams.




Jessica has been working in our team since 2013 and is highly experienced in the use of Editorial Manager. 



Sharon has previously worked for Barclays, the BBC, the Foreign Office and in the City. She started working in publishing in 2006, predominantly on large society-owned cardiovasular journals, and has experience in both Editorial Manager and ScholarOne.

Alison B.

Alison B.

Ali has a BSc in zoology and a PhD in immunology. After a period working in cancer research, she translated research papers. Ali has worked in academic publishing since 1989, holding Associate Editor and Managing Editor roles using ScholarOne since 2000.



Penny qualified as a private secretary and then moved into managerial roles in the corporate sector. She has been working as an editorial manager in scholarly publishing since 2006 and is an experienced ScholarOne user.



Tracey joined us in 2022, bringing with her many years of office management, administrative and secretarial experience. She has a BA (Hons) Open degree in English language and child development, and is a qualified teacher. She has particular expertise in the field of education, due to her work as a primary school teacher, specialising in behaviour management and special needs education.



Katy joined our team in 2022. She has significant administrative experience, having worked in customer services for a bank for 10 years. Katy is also a hairdresser and previously managed a hair salon before going mobile.



Rachel graduated with a BSc in business studies with information systems. She worked in both adult education and human resources before starting work as a freelance editorial assistant in 2017.



Susan has worked with us since 2016. She graduated with an MSc in health economics and is a published author. She has previously worked for a health economics consultancy and in a role reviewing clinical evidence for NHS guidelines.



Karen, who has a BSc (Hons) in natural sciences (earth sciences), has worked in STM journals publishing since 1996 in both production and editorial roles. She joined our team in 2016.



Anouska joined The Editorial Hub Ltd in 2015. Prior to this, she worked in human resources for 25 years, predominantly in the telecommunications sector.



Ellie completed a BSc in biochemistry followed by an MSc in public health. She previously worked as a senior scientist for the UK Health Security Agency and joined our team in 2022.



Nami joined the team in 2023. Her background is in architecture, and she concurrently works in customer service at a manufacturing plant in Japan.



Mika has a BA in English/Japanese linguistics. She joined us in 2023, bringing with her over 10 years’ experience as an editorial coordinator.



Diana has been working as a managing editor in scholarly publishing since 1996 and is experienced in the use of ScholarOne and Editorial Manager.



Hannah joined our team in 2023, having previously worked in customer service roles and, most recently, as a learning support assistant where she supported teenage learners with complex special educational needs.



Kerry joined the team in 2024 and has an extensive background in the recruitment of both clinical and non-clinical staff in the pharmaceutical industry, most recently as Talent Acquisition Business Partner for one of the top five pharma companies.



Akiko joined the team in 2024 and has a BA in English literature. She brings with her 14 years’ experience working in accounting and 7 additional years in IT.



Laura has a BA in modern foreign languages and joined the team in 2022. She has worked as Editorial Assistant since 2015 and is also Professional Association Consultant for the World Association of Societies of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (Italy).



Shubham joined the team in 2024 as Editorial Assistant. He is a PhD in Biology from Purdue University, USA. He also has post-doctoral research experience. Shubham’s professional background includes both scholarly publishing and scientific writing.



Having worked in the public sector for most of her early career, Elaine first brought her problem-solving expertise to peer-review management in 2016. Elaine has since efficiently run journals on both ScholarOne and Editorial Manager.



Joshua joined our team in 2021  working on ScholarOne. He graduated with a BSc in forensic science, followed by an MSc in bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology, and is currently studying for a PhD.



Anna joined our team in 2022. She is also a journalist, writer, editor and producer, concurrently working as a freelance copywriter, sub-editor, proofreader and in content ideation.



Amy joined the team in 2022, gaining experience using ScholarOne. Amy studied A-level dance, psychology and also health & social care at college.



Helen has worked as a managing editor since 1992 and has particular expertise in ScholarOne. Outside of publishing, she also works as an Executive Assistant.



Sarah has worked in administration and customer service roles for over 30 years. She has been a freelance editorial assistant in academic publishing since 2007 and has in-depth knowledge of ScholarOne.



Kiyoko graduated with a BA in law. She spent 4 years working as an editorial assistant using ScholarOne and joined our team in 2021. Kiyoko is also a certified legal specialist for administrative procedures and works as an immigration adviser at Tokushima University.



Colin joined our team in 2023. He has a BA (Hons) in social science and previously worked for London Underground and Westminster City Council. Colin also works as an audio describer.



Hiroe has previously worked as a Japanese-English translator and program officer for international development projects. She graduated with a BA in international relations and an MA in governance and development. She joined our team in 2022. 



Lynsey has been working as a freelance managing editor since 2011, mainly using ScholarOne, and she joined our team in 2015. Lynsey previously worked for a utility company as Team Leader in Major Business Accounts.



Lizzy has worked in scholarly publishing since 2006 and has managed journal portfolios at Taylor & Francis and Emerald Publishing as well as freelance projects. She has been focusing on peer-review management since joining our team in 2018.



Jocelyn graduated with a BA (Hons) in Russian, Italian and management studies, and went on to attain an MBA. She has worked in academic publishing since 2011, first as an author in orthopaedics, and then from 2017 as an editorial assistant.



Amber has a diploma in health & science studies. She joined us as Editorial Assistant in 2024, bringing with her 20+ years of experience in administrative and customer service roles.

Alison S.

Alison S.

Alison graduated with a BA (Hons) in French, Italian and European politics and also has a CIM diploma. She has been working as an editorial assistant since 2007. Outside of publishing, Alison is also a Business Support Manager and for 16 years she worked in advertising as Marketing and Communications Director.



Jenny joined our team in 2023. She has considerable customer service experience in the financial services sector, and has most recently been running her own business providing English-language tuition to children and adults.



Kirsty has been working as an editorial assistant since 2014 and is experienced in the use of Editorial Manager, ScholarOne and eJournalPress.



Debs has worked in scholarly publishing since 2007 and is proficient in ScholarOne, Editorial Manager and eJournalPress. Debs has worked as a freelance managing editor with several UK- and US-based companies since 2012. She was delighted to join our team in 2016 and also has responsibility for our blog.



Ollie joined our team in 2022, bringing 4 years’ experience of using ScholarOne and Editorial Manager. He has most recently been working as an administrator for Oxfordshire County Council.



Isobel joined the team in 2024 and has a degree in translation, media and modern language. She is bilingual in French and English and is currently studying for a master’s degree in children’s publishing.



Jess joined our team in 2022, bringing with her 3 years’ experience of peer-review management. She has a BSc in archaeology; is studying for a BA (Hons) in hospitality, tourism & events management; and is concurrently Owner/Manager of a Bed & Breakfast.



Alex has an MEng in mechanical engineering. He joined our team in 2022  and also works as a self-employed tradesman specialising in off-grid campervan and shepherds’ hut conversions.



Yoko has a BA in law and an MA in international development studies. She joined our team in 2024 and concurrently works as Assistant to the CEO of a Japanese company where she utilises her Japanese/English bilinguality.



Pallabi joined the team in 2024 as Editorial Assistant. She has a master’s degree and PhD in biological sciences from Purdue University, USA and is a published author having completed post-doctoral research. Pallabi is experienced in both editorial assistant and scientific writer roles.



Lara joined the team in 2024 and has a BA (Hons) in business administration. She brings with her great breadth and depth of experience, having first started working in journal peer review over 25 years ago.