
We closely follow developments in the academic publishing industry and regularly attend conferences and meetings, including those run by organisations of which we are a member.


The Editorial Hub Ltd is delighted to be an active member of the following organisations. Participation in these organisations’ activities and events allows our whole team to keep up to date with the latest industry developments and best practice. Membership also provides us all with valuable professional development and training opportunities.

The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) is the international trade association supporting and representing not-for-profit organisations that publish scholarly and professional content, and those that work with them. Through our membership of ALPSP, the whole team can take advantage of the industry knowledge and connectivity this association provides.

The International Society of Managing and Technical Editors (ISMTE) is a primary resource for editorial office staff working within the academic, scientific, medical, technical and professional publishing industry. As active ISMTE members, our Directors, Stephanie Sacharov and Naomi Conneely, previously served as Co-Chairs of the ISMTE Standards Committee where they initiated the process of setting industry-wide best practice standards for editorial assistants.

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) brings together all those involved in scholarly research and its publication with the aim of moving the culture of publishing towards one where ethical practices become a normal part of the publishing culture. Through our corporate membership of COPE, we demonstrate our commitment, both on an organisational level and at the individual level of each team member, to follow the highest standards of publication ethics and to apply best practice in all the services we provide. 

The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) is a non-profit organisation formed to promote and advance communication among all sectors of the scholarly publication community through networking, information dissemination, and facilitation of new developments in the field. Through our Directors’ membership, we aim to help SSP achieve its mission which is to advance scholarly publishing and the professional development of its members, via education, collaboration, and networking.

STM is the standard bearer for the academic publishing industry, working with its members to advance trusted research worldwide. The association has over 140 members across the globe including all the major commercial publishers, learned societies and university presses. As a member of STM we work to serve society by developing standards and technology to ensure research is of high quality, trustworthy and easy to access.